Who We Are

We’ve been there: ready to outfit our home with a dream kitchen and functional, sleek baths. We had heard of the Ikea Sektion system, but we weren’t sure where to start, and how to get the design and overall aesthetic we wanted.

But we did it. And learned a lot along the way. Others knew about the journey we went on, and started asking us questions. A lot of questions. Since then, we’ve continued to build our knowledge about Ikea’s Sektion system and the growing world of designer fronts that fit the system. It’s really a beautiful end product, just a little tricky to figure it all out.

And that’s the shame: for most people, the only time they’ll work with the Ikea system is the first and only time they’ll do so. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could tap into the knowledge of others who have navigated this world before? Find out the best tips and tricks, and know what common pitfalls to avoid? That’s what motivated us to create this site, which really is just a slightly more organized blog.

We are here, and doing our best to pass along our knowledge to help others.

Feel free to reach out, say hello, and send along your own learnings, frustrations and triumphs of the world of Ikea meets Designer Fronts.